Kiwi K.A.R.E

Humanitarian Face of War : From the Red Zone
Age Concern Tauranga invites you to hear
Tenby Powell share his personal and current perspective
of the war from within the Red Zones.
THURSDAY 27 JUNE 2024 | 10.45am – 11.45am
Tauranga Citizens Club, 170 Thirteenth Avenue, Tauranga (upstairs)
Booking essential: Reserve your seat, limited spaces.
RSVP by Monday 24 June 2pm on 578 2631.
On February 24th 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine.
Over the following years many humanitarian organisations and individuals have rallied to provide critical support to the people of Ukraine. Tenby Powell put words into action, travelled to Ukraine and established Kiwi K.A.R.E (Kiwi Aid & Refugee Evacuation).
Tenby Powell’s story is one of courage, tenacity, strategic thinking and teamwork at its very best.
His experience spans the private business sector, government entities and the Military and he is using this broad skill set to help the people of Ukraine. In June 2022 he formed Kiwi KARE (Kiwi Aid & Refugee Evacuation) a highly respected “last mile” Humanitarian and Medical Aid organisation that operates in the Red Zones (newly liberated areas behind the front line), delivering aid to front line hospitals, medical centres and residents who have remained in Ukraine.
He also provides an evacuation capability for those who need to escape dangerous areas, and who often need medical and psychological support en route to safer locations.