Other ways to help
Donations and volunteers mean a lot of us, but there are other ways of helping our cause.
You can continue on helping Age Concern Tauranga Inc, even after you've gone.
A bequest in your Will is a wonderful way for you to express your concern and desire to help Age Concern Tauranga Inc fulfil it's mission of "Promoting wellbeing, rights, respect and dignity for older people".
After providing for your family, you can confirm that you want to leave part or all of what is left of your estate to charity.
Bequests can be made in cash, shares, real estate or any other property and can be made by way of gift during your lifetime or can be bequeathed in your will.
Leaving a bequest to Age Concern Tauranga Inc.
If you wish to leave a bequest to Age Concern Tauranga Inc, you would contact your solicitor or trust company and ask for the following clause to be inserted in your Will:
I give Age Concern Tauranga Inc, Charities Commission registration No: CC25758 $.......................... (or a share in the residue of my estate (for the general purposes of the organisation (or for a specific purpose) and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of Age Concern Tauranga Inc shall be good discharge to my Trustees.
Your solicitor will advise you.