Support Services
Elder Abuse Response Service
I need help
Elder abuse thrives in secrecy. If you have concerns about how you are being treated, speak out.
If you are in danger call 111. Ask for the Police.
You have a right to feel safe
It is common to have mixed feelings about speaking up. Particularly when your abuser is someone you know and trust - a family member, friend or neighbour. Abusers are often someone that you depend on for support, or for care.
You have the right to feel safe. The Elder Abuse helpline will help you work through these issues and put you in touch with support services near where you live. This service is free, and completely confidential.
It is available all day, every day. Call 0800 32 668 65 (0800 EA NOT OK). Text 5032 or email
Community Out-reach
Age Concern Tauranga hosts on the last Thursday of the month an informative meeting with a diverse range of speakers and presenters.
Time: 10.00am - 11.00am
Where: Tauranga Citizens Club, 170 Thirteenth Avenue, Tauranag.
Cost: $4.00pp refreshments provided.
The monthly meeting is advertised in the "What's On" section in the local free paper and our monthly Newsletter.
Steady As You Go Falls Prevention Programme
Strength and Balance Classes
The gentle exercises used in the programme are based on those proven to reduce falls by Professor John Campbell and Dr Clare Robertson from the University of Otago.
The exercises are designed to improve balance, leg strength, general fitness and well-being. Participants warm up in a chair, followed by standing exercises, walking exercises and warm downs in a chair. A range of light ankle weights is used for the leg strengthening exercises and all participants are encouraged to work at their own pace and stop if they feel dizzy or lightheaded.
Go to Fitness Classes in and around Tauranga for classe locations or contact the Age Concern office Ph: (07) 578 2631 E: for further information.
If you wish to register for a class you will need to contact the Age Concern office first Phone: (07) 578 2631.
Wednesday Walking Group
We have a Weekly Walking Group every Wednesday morning run by our volunteer Renee.
All walks start at 10.00am unless stated otherwise. There are different meeting points every week. Come and meet new people, get some fresh air as well as getting valuable exercise at the same time.
Future dates and venues will be advertised in the local paper and our monthly Newsletter.