Age Concern Tauranga Logo

177a Fraser Street
Tauranga 3112

P: 07 578 2631


How do I contact Age Concern?

If you have direct queries or need support, call our telephone number at (07) 578 2631 or use our contact form. Our general administration email address is Please contact for any enquiries related to our accredited visiting service.

Where can I find Age Concern Tauranga?

We are situated in the south of town at 177 Fraser Street, Tauranga South, Tauranga 3112.


I want to donate, how much should I give?

We greatly appreciate any donations regardless of the amount. See our Donation Page for how to contribute.

I want to volunteer, but I'm not sure how much I can help?

Any volunteer work is welcome regardless of how much time you have. See our Volunteer Page to find out how you can help.

Social Activities

We organise activities and events to help those who need healthy social contact. Our volunteers provide a positive and stimulating environment that encourages participation and creates renewed confidence, happiness and lasting relationships with both our volunteers and our elderly.