Life without a Car

Life without a Car Transport options for Seniors
Throughout out our lives we all want to stay connected with friends and family, maintain our independenec and keep doing the things we enjoy.
There are many options for staying connected as we age, regardless of whether or not we continue driving a car.
As we age, we may choose to drive our car less than we used to, for example, we may only drive familiar routes or drive only in the day time. Some of us may find we are medically unable to continue driving and have to relinquish our driver's licence.
There are many options that enable us to mantain our independence and keep doing the things we enjoy when we no longer drive a car. Many people of all ages get around without using a car for a variety of reasons. Reducing or stopping driving does not need to be a limiting factor that prevents you doing what you want, but it helps to think ahead about your future transport needs.
The information provided in this booklet will highlight options older New Zealanders to remain active and connected. This will include some things to consider about where you live, community and public transport services, recreation activities as well as social outings.
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